

更新时间:2023-11-29 15:30:02作者:优优



Child: Mom, I’m excited about going back to school!

Mom: That’s great, sweetie! Are you looking forward to seeing your friends again?

Child: Yes, I miss them a lot. But I’m also a little nervous.

Mom: It’s normal to feel that way. You’ll do just fine. Remember to be kind and brave.


Child: Mom, I have so much homework today!

Mom: Take a deep breath, dear. Let’s tackle it one step at a time. Which subject is giving you the most trouble?

Child: Math is really hard for me. I’m not sure I understand it.

Mom: I’ll help you with it after dinner. We’ll work on it together until you feel more confident.


Child: Mom, my best friend and I had an argument today.

Mom: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?

Child: She wanted to play with someone else, and I felt left out.

Mom: It’s okay to feel upset. Have you tried talking to her about how you feel?

Child: Not yet. I’m not sure how to start.

Mom: Maybe you could say, “I missed playing with you today. Can we talk about it?”

Child: Mom, today in class, we learned about space!

Mom: That sounds fascinating! What did you learn?

Child: We learned about the planets and how they orbit the sun.

Mom: Wow, that’s incredible! I’m always amazed by the universe. Thank you for sharing, sweetie.