更新时间:2023-12-26 08:00:01作者:优优
1. 阅读下面那首宋词《江城子·密州出猎》,然后回答问题。
(1)诗中表达了诗人如何的思惟豪情?(2分)2. 下列对《阿房宫赋》的理解,不准确的一项是?
答:(1)(2分)诗中表达了诗人盼望一展理想,杀敌报国,犯功立业的壮志豪情。(2分)1. 阅读下面有关三角形的一个等边三角形的性量的表述,然后回答问题。
2. 若三角形的三边分别为a,b,c,且满足a2+b2=c2,则下列所以说准确的是?
(1)a+b>c3. 若向量a=(2,3),向量b=(-3,-2),则下列所以说准确的是?
(1)|a+b|=51. 阅读下面短文,然后回答问题。
The Importance of Learning EnglishLearning a foreign language is important for many reasons. It can open up new opportunities for communication and travel, and it can also improve cognitive skills such as reading and writing. In addition, learning English can help to improve job prospects and enhance cultural understanding.
2. The main idea of this passage is(2分)(1)Learning a foreign language is important for personal growth and development.
(2)Learning a foreign language can improve cognitive skills.
(3)Learning a foreign language can open up new opportunities for communication and travel.
(4)Learning a foreign language is beneficial for future career opportunities.
(5)Learning a foreign language can enhance cultural understanding.
(2分)(2)Learning a foreign language is important for personal growth and development.
(3)Learning a foreign language can improve cognitive skills.
(4)Learning a foreign language is beneficial for future career opportunities.
(5)Learning a foreign language can enhance cultural understanding.