更新时间:2024-06-09 20:25:49作者:佚名
Net migration was 764,000 in 2022 and 685,000 in 2023 — atreblingsince the last election, asshadow home secretaryYvette Cooper has pointed out. The Office for National Statistics has had to bring its estimate for when the population will hit 70mn forward by a decade: from 2037 to 2026.
1. treble:(使)增加两倍;(使)成为三倍
2. shadow home secretary:英国影子内阁中的一个职位。影子内阁(Shadow Cabinet)是由主要反对党(通常是议会中的第二大党派)组成的一个团队,其成员对应并监督政府内阁中的各个部长。
正如影子内阁大臣伊维特-库珀(Yvette Cooper)所指出的那样,英国净移民人数,在2022 年为 76.4 万,在2023 年为 68.5 万——这是自上次大选以来净移民人数的三倍。国家统计局不得不将其人口将达到 7000 万的预估时间提前十年,也就是说,从 2037 年提前到 2026 年。
One concern is thatthe graduate visa, which gives postgraduate students a right to work without having to meet the skilled worker criteria, is attracting low-wage migrants rather than global talent. The growth in student numbers has been fastest in less selective and lower-cost universities and their biggest sector of employment is administrative and support services, followed by health and care: not areas which generally require an advanced degree.Another worry is thatcare worker visas, created tostem the gaping holesin domestic social care, have led to a dramatic increase in dependants, far more than among skilled workers.
1. one concern is that/ another worry is that: 写作的连贯手法
2. stem the gaping holes:填补严重的缺口
With polls consistently showing that migration is one of the top three voter concerns, the next government has some difficult decisions to make. Conservatives will not be forgiven for having done the opposite of what they promised. If they lose,the anger and anxietywilltransfer tothe new government. People want to know if their rents will keep rising, as the population expands. Others ask who will look after the old. Still more will wonder, quietly, what pace of immigration iscompatiblewith maintaining the UK’s relatively good record on social cohesion.
anger and anxiety: 用到了头韵的修辞手法
transfer to:转移到
1. 战后移民:第二次世界大战后,英国需要大量劳动力来重建国家。英国政府邀请来自其殖民地的人民移居英国,尤其是来自加勒比地区、印度次大陆和非洲的移民。这一时期,移民主要从事工业和服务业工作。
2. 欧盟成员国移民:1973年,英国加入欧盟后,来自其他欧盟成员国的移民逐渐增加。2004年欧盟东扩后,来自东欧国家的移民大幅增加,尤其是波兰、匈牙利和捷克共和国等国的移民。
1. 脱欧公投:2016年英国脱欧公投结果使得移民问题成为焦点。脱欧支持者认为大量移民对英国的社会和经济造成了压力,要求收回对移民政策的控制权。脱欧后的新移民政策对欧盟成员国的移民进行了更多限制。
2. 技能导向移民政策:脱欧后,英国政府引入了基于积分的移民系统,强调吸引高技能劳动力。这一政策旨在吸引高学历、高技能的移民,同时减少低技能移民的数量。